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SIEWRONG @blogspot.com ♥
Saturday, August 30, 2008

i have so much to blog about today....

went bac to css today to look for my chers cos its TEACHERS' DAY!! also to get my testimonial... haha.. it was so so nice to go bac to css... to meet all ur old friends again n to catch up with one another... it was nice to c all ur sec sch friends again... the feeling is just so wonderful.. to be able to meet all your good friends again n to c how's everyone... the feelin of familiarity and the feelin of being able to be so comfortable n totally relax when you c them again... its not like i don't feel comfortable with my poly friends or tt i can't relax in front of them.. but i don't know why the feeling is just so diff...

its so nice to c all those friends tt had shared those sweet n tough moments with you... 2/4 peeps, 4/1 peeps... ppl that u used to hang out with durin recess, after sch ends n in between classes... e feelin is so nice... =) it just brings me bac to the happy times i have during sec sch... i miss sec sch life thou i don't want the study n exams part.... going bac just remind me of all my days in sch.. e times where i woke up very very early to go to sch... waiting for e bus with my eyes closing n carrying all e tys.. having fun with e red rows... snack day... fruit day... joking ard with friends durin recess time and going to je aft sch for lunch... when i went bac to css... all these memories just come rushing bac thru my mind...

get to c the teachers too... they all look e same.. never change.. haha.. was nice to find them n chat with them... luckily they still rmb us... hope they wld do so every year n not just cos we r e newest grad batch.. =) nice to chat with e teachers not about sch hw but just abt random stuff, thou they r more or less still related to e sub they teaching... haha...
wonder if everyone will still go bac nxt year...

went to meet e tuition peeps to make card for mrs lim aft tt.. initially we were quite tired... but as we chat along n start making e card, we got more n more energetic.. very long never c jing wen n xuan ru le =) always have lots of fun when e tuition peeps are tog =)... e card was nice thou we forgot to take a photo of it aft tt... haha...

went to visit mrs lim aft tt.. very very long never c her le... miss her... it was nice to meet up with her n e other tuition peeps.. catching up with each other.. joking ard.. it was nice...

to all the teachers that had taught me before, including mrs lim... thank you for being there n giving us everything tt u can... u have made a difference in me =) carry on ur passion of teaching and don't let anything affect tt passion of yours... jia you n HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!

be contented with what you have and you will be a happier person =)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

this year i receive two birthday present that i love a lot! they are both from my closest bunch of friends.. n i can say i'm touched when i receive them..

1st... i got this from the retards...

it's drawn personally by the retards themselves~ so nicee...

this spinach is drawn by yan! i would say its e nicest pic she had drawn for e design of all our retards shirt.. haha.. no offence~ =P great job!
btw, the jap words on top means something like "eat"...

this was the back design of the shirt~lol... its a pic of olive.. popeye's wife... cos they all think i look like her... maybe cos i'm skinny too.. wat u think? haha

i really must thks e retards for this shirt! thou i know that u'll are going to give me a hand-drawn shirt cos thats what we are giving everyone but i still appreciate it that u'll find e time to meet up to do it! =)

then i got something from ming and zy!!!
this one really came as a surprise... really big surprise...

saw this box and it was damn heavy... i tot it was some crystal deco or something like tt... its very heavy...

the "fragile" tt i saw didn't help in my misconception tt it was some crystal deco... although the food for the brain did prove tt it can't be some crystal deco... but i still don't know wat it was... until when i open the lid...


omg! its one whole box full of my fav sweets n choco!!! i was surprised n shock n touched n happy!!! haha.. yum yum... *drooling*

yummy! =B

that was e instructions given... there's no prob about finishing e food.. but there may be some prob about growing fat.... but i will jia you! (literally... haha)

thkz zy n ming! i love e present a lot! i will finish all e food de... no worries~ i am truly very touched!

some pics that are long overdue... but since we are on e same topic~ pics taken during e b'day celebration tt e fencing peeps had for me! thks fencing peeps once again! =D pics taken from ailin's blog...

gals foilist! =)

guys fencers! =)

group photo! =))

once again thks to the retards, ming, zy n the fencing ppl! i have a great b'day this year =) i love all of u! =)

smile and the world will smile with you~
Thursday, August 14, 2008

finally all my projs and assignments are done!wooohooo!yeay!!! haha.. n with tt comes the end of my sem 1 in poly and the start of my 9 WEEKS LONG VACATION!muahahaha.... don't be jealous =P time seems to fly by so quickly... in a blink of an eye 1 sem has already pass and there's 5 more to go... also, it's been almost 1 year since i graduated from css... so fast!haha..

had a fun time with zy today shopping ard suntec and raffles place... =) laugh a lot... can't control myself.. laugh until my stomach and cheeks very pain.. haha.. ppl ard me keep looking at me thinking i'm some siao char bo.. laugh until so crazy... but i can't help it n who cares? as long as i'm happy... haha... we had fun k-boxing too!very long nv sing until so shiok le... haha.. but i nearly went to drink e water tt zy used to wash her hands with thinking it was my ice lemon tea! omg! eewww.. i can't imagine if i drink it... *vomit* actually not her fault cos she already told me tt she using my empty glass to wash her hands but i forgot! i was thirsty after i finish singing, then i tot wah just nice, still have a bit of water left... den i went to take it........ lucky she saw it n stopped me before i manage to suck up e water... eeewwwww! i only sucked in e air only... LUCKILY!haha super disgusting lor... how can i even forget about it n went to drink it? omg!haha... but it was very funny too... haha... btw, i got poke by some sharp objects on the floor AGAIN!!! i don't know why.. my poor feet always get poke by sharp objects tt are left lying on the floor... last time was some durians on a BUS!! (don't ask me how come the auntie manage to bring the durians up the bus... i'm still wondering about it too) then today is kena poke by a whole stack of books placed on the floor... i wonder why e shopkeeper put them on the floor... dangerous u know? haha.. had a great time today! =DD looking forward to meeting ming during her sept sch hols!=)

shall update some photos about e very sweet birthday present given to me by ming n zy!love it loads man... i love it soo soo much! n also e 'cartoon' present given to me by e retards... 2 very nice n sweet birthday presents given to me by my best friends! i am touched! thanks guys!

its always nice to meet up with all my dear friends