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SIEWRONG @blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, June 29, 2008

sch reopened... it started getting so busy suddenly... all the assignments are piling up and there are so many tests coming up!!suddenly feel a bit stress... furthermore, my constant coughing is not making things any better!miss out on all e lectures n jap class this week... have quite a lot of catching up to do + all e assignments + all e stupid IS projects + my constant coughing... haiz.. tough time... X_X hope everything can be done soon... i hate IS!!! waiting for S n W to begin soon~ =)

hang on there and it will be over soon
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

quoting from yan: "sometimes.. its good to be retarded and just enjoy everything at the moment.. and ignoring negative things around you"

i totally agree... i find that the times i am the most retarded are the times when i am the happiest... sounds retarded but that's me =)

i miss everyone at css.. only u guys can make me so happy...
Monday, June 16, 2008

one week of sch hols had past.. i had a great week... it was good being able to meet my sec sch buddies and to have a nice long talk with them... it was great fun!i really miss everyone in css!!shall update about the activities... as i have many many things to say about them...!

sat 07/06/08

it was 4/1 class outing! it didn't started tt well cos of the rain... e rain came n caught us off gurad... i seriously didn't have a back up plan.. i was like "oh shit, its raining.. no bbq.. how??!!" i admit it was my bad.. didn't have a backup plan.. at tt moment i tot this outing is going to turn out badly.. oh my.. i was kinda of sad cos i seriouly hope it would be a good n successful one n also a good farewell outing for hc.. luckily the rain stopped when we reached tampines n our plan for bbq resume =) n i have to say althou not many ppl turned up (total was ard 14-18 cos some left early or came late..) it was a nice outing.. get to talk n catch up with those who came n get to find out how they were all doing.. it was the 1st 4/1 bbq tt we were able to have some edible n yummy cooked food!hah.. i really had loads n loads of fun tt night! omy miss 4/1 a lot a lot... but was quite disappointed thou cos some who promise or say tt they should be coming did not come in the end.. i don't know why but i hope the nxt outing u guys can come kay?? hopefully i have time to plan further outings =) i really really enjoyed tt night a lot.. had loads of laughter n fun.. its been so long since all of us meet up, talked, relaxed n not think about studies, stress.. it was really nice.. i hope those who went enjoyed themselves as much as i did.. n for those who didn't i am sorry... i will try to improve on it.. n for those who miss it.. don't feel bad, just make it up by going for the nxt 4/1 outing! ;)

mon 09/06/08

tt night was 2/4 outing.. it was kinda of sad tt only 9 ppl went.. but it was nice to see alll of them again.. its been a long time since we sit down n talk to each other for so long.. even thou i see quite a few of them frequently in sch but it was always just some short greetings... get to see ming n zy!!! =) omy.. so long nv see them le.. really miss them a lot.. guess they r all busy with sch work... we'll try to find time n meet up!=) found out from shawn tt css changed a lot.. so much had changed since we left... its like wat's happening to the juniors? why isit tt aft we left things just turn so bad.. its kind of sad hearing about all the things tt happened.. n its sad to know tt e chers are sad about it too.. i really miss e old css e css tt belongs to us all.. css year of 2007! aft e outing was suppose to go home but e 502 gang still wants to talk longer so we went to e mac near my hse market to continue talking... tt place held so much memories for us.. it was nice going bac.. n as we were talking, we racked up so many memorable past tt 2/4 used to have.. e time when ms ker was teaching us.. e fire extinguisher incident... and many more.. it was nice recalling those fun/happy/sad times.. 2/4 i miss u!ppl take care okay?hope tt nxt time more ppl can make it for e outing =)

thur 12/06/08

had a farewell lunch for hc.. he was leaving e nxt day so we had a retards gathering tog.. too bad zhen can't make it but its not her fault... every time i go out with them, they nv fail to cheer me up.. they can always make me laugh.. i can always be so relax ard them.. really love them man!=D sometimes i just can't believe tt i am able to have such a big bunch of friends who know me so well n can cheer me up so much... when i'm sad, hanging out with them will just make me laugh n totally cheer up! i really can't believe tt we 4 girls n 4 guys can get along so well with each other... maybe cos we are all retarded so tt's why e common denominator tt we shared bond us well!haha.... anyway, we bought a group ring tog...! e design was simple cos u can't expect e guys to wear something too girly or us to wear something too manly... haha.... ppl must wear e ring whenever u can okay? don't u dare lose it!!!haha

fri 13/06/08

woke up at 4am tt day!!!! had less than 4hrs of sleep cos was sending hc off at e airport... he's leaving for china n then st flying to USA aft tt... i didn't get to have enuff sleep tt day which in norm circumstances will be something i get very irritated about.. but its for hc.. so... cos we won't be able to see him anytime soon for at least a few years... so i have to go send him off!=) (are u honoured hc?? haha) brought my mac along cos have to show hc e vid tt me n the retards make for him.. showed e rest e vid 1st during e taxi ride to e airport.... i personally was very proud of e vid.. i love it a lot n hope u guys do too..haha (u'll better be... muahaha.. ;)) n i can say hc is very lucky to have so many gropus of friends sending him off at the airport! lucky guy!! n btw i saw elvin ng when we were at the airport!!! omy!!! haha =) it was a pleasant surprise.. hehe... anyway.. hc even thou u may not be in sg with us now n for a few years to come.. i hope( n i know we will!) continue to stay in touch! jia you in US for ur studies n we will too in ours! take care of urself.. n when u miss u, just watch e vid tt we did for u!=D take care n we'll miss you!=))

later tt day met up with zy to go shopping... it was so long since we last met or went shooping tog... miss u man!n ming too!=) as usual we were talkign crap n laughing about everything.. happy suaning each other n gossiping about everything... haha... it was so nice to do all those things again... n i'm so sorry tt due to e lack of sleep i had tt day i was a little tired =P.. anyway, seeing tt u enjoy sch.. i am happy for u.. jia you in sch kay? hang in there even when times are tough okay? take care my dear... =)
n for ming.. its been very long since we have time to chat with each other... i really miss u n i hope u willl jia you in sch kayy?? no matter how tough studies may be just hang in there.. u know i will be there for u=) we will try to meet up when we are free =) take care~

tt's all e updates... i shall post some pics when i have the time.. in e mean time.. take care ppl n jia you!=)

i am not unhappy that everything is over, rather i am glad that everything had happened.. i love you guys.. i miss css..=)
Saturday, June 07, 2008

went vivo shopping today with my fencin gfriends =) didn't buy anything much but its was quite just looking/shopping ard.. had a good time.. i'm having sch breaks now! it will be two weeks long n den its bac to part 2 of sem1.. time just flies man.. i think before i kno wit it will be sem 2 den year 2 den *gasp* year 3 den *wow* graduation!!! haha.. its a bit exgagerated there but time really flies!haha.. n beofre w eknow it e jc peeps will have taken A lvl n graduate... den soon i will be graduating from poly n some time later hc will be graduating soon!haha..

some random stuff....

one night.. i forgot when, me n lx was taking bus bac from sch n we saw adina at one of the bus stop.. we were inside e bus while she was outside waiting for her bus.. we started waving at her but she couldn't recognise us n was having e puzzled look on her face.. its quite a funny moment for me n lx.. i was thinking if i'm in adina's shoes, i wil feel very puzzle n strange.. imagine at night, u finally end sch n was waiting for bus when suddenly 2 ppl u don't recognise starts waving at u from inside e bus.. haha. i think i will be very confused!

yesterdy i dropped my cup of bubble tea! it was not a very common thing as in drooping a cup of drink cos e cup just slip from my hand n drop to e ground before bursting apart with its content bursting out tog too!n tt cup was a new cup!i haven even drank it or even poke my straw into it yet! n one gal sitting at a table not far from where i drop e cup gasped very loudly when tt happen!i guess e only thing to say is to not try n hold 2 cups of bubble tea with one hand no matter how big/firm ur hands are.. u don't want to risk it.. btw i brought another cup later tt day.. ;)

today went vivo watch movie n i saw this Kungfu panda poster... e eyes of e panda was very scary... it looks like its looking at u no matter where u are standing n looking at it from..scary... e graphic designer of the image must be very pro to achieve tt effect.. by drawing e eyeballs at such at way tt it will achieve tt effect n give ppl tt illusion... pro!

finally. just now at vivo cinema, i saw this man carrying two huge plastic bags of popcorn! n by big i refer to each plastic bag to be the size of a typical black trash bag except tt e bags he carried was transparent... n he is not e supplier of the popcorn or stuff.. wonder what he was doing with them.. he can feed a whole HDB block of ppl with tt much amt of popcorn!haha..

i guess if u open ur eyes big enuff n care to observe the things n ppl ard u.. u will find many funny/interesting things happening ard u everyday...

open your eyes to see the things around you, open your ears to hear the voices around you, open your heart to feel the love around you =)
Monday, June 02, 2008

OMG!!! i spent a total of $163 on just 2 shopping trips! omy! feel so sinful now... its been very long since i went on a shopping spree n now tt i do, i spent so much! i bought 5 tops, 1 knee-length jeans n 1 belt... i guess i can treat it as retail therapy bah.. haha... i can't help it! GSS is too appealing to miss! but u can really feel the impact of inflation all around you as you shop ard, the prices of everything have all gone up uP UP!
