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SIEWRONG @blogspot.com ♥
Monday, May 26, 2008

mosquitoes... i hate them.. wonder y they exist in this world..

since young, i've always been attacked by them.. n i hate it! i can't stand e itchiness tt follows aft the mosqui bites u.. everytime i get bitten it will be a very serious case where my legs n hands will be covered with their bites..

i rmb there was this incident when i was very young... my face was attacked by the mosqui at night while i was slping n when i woke up my face has a circumference of red mosqui bites.. i went to sch with tt n ming started laughing at me.. years aft tt she still rmb it n brought it up one day.. made us al laugh.. wonder if she still rmb it.. haha

haiz.. i'm always attacked by the mosqui even thou my sis n i shared e same rm.. tt's not very fair.. wonder if anybody has any good suggestions to kkeep e mosqui away.. care to share if u have?? =)

see things from a different light n you may find something interesting..
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

watched iron man on sat with lx, wk, jr.. its nice catching up with them tho we didnt really had much time to hang out n chat.. guess we r all busy with our own stuff..

iron man was nice! i wonder why e female lead in iron man looks like spidey's girlfriend(mary jane).. haha maybe all e superheros' gf are all look-alikes... e cars in e show were damn cool n nice.. esp e audi car tt was featured most prominently n e orange car which i forgot its brand.. wonder why all e superheros must always have super cool cars to match them.. haha.. imagine a superhero with an old car or a bicycle.. haha..

class outing's coming soon but i didn't really have e time to do e planning.. n ppl r not replying my msg! wonder y??? maybe all of them suddenly change no after they leave sec sch..haha.. it's not tt i want to blame them or wat, but i get very sad when i try to organise something for e class to meet up n e responses were bad.. makes me so so sad... so ppl pls try to reply. even if u can't make it, msg to tell me so tt i know at least u care abt e outing.. tt will make me less sad.. =)

hc's leaving sg soon.. i'm so gonna miss him.. hope we can still keep in contacts after tt.. jia you in US man! all e way =)

life have to go on no matter wat... take it or leave it..