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SIEWRONG @blogspot.com ♥
Saturday, November 24, 2007

hey people, i'm back from 4/1 chalet.. the chalet was generally okay.. the first day was quite bad, many things happen... but the second day was much better cos we went cycling and went to watch beowulf. the movie was quite okay. the animation was so great i nearly thought they were real stuff.. i keep thinking it ws a movie with real people and stuff.. but i was wrong when i saw the movie.. quite shcoked in fact.. the cinema was like a freezer.. so cold.. everyone of us was like shivering.. and i did not have a jacket with me.. i was shivering like crazy inside and was so tired during the first quarter of the movie due to the lack of sleep the night before.. it was quite a torture then, cold n sleepy... as for the cycling part it was just great! so long never cycle le.. the feeling was wonderful.. cycling with my friends and the wind blowing at my face.. cycling with no worries at all(exams are over =) )was a great feel.. too bad we could only do so for 2hrs..

on mon n tue was having tuition outing.. it ws fun! we all had a great time.. mon went wenbin's hse to watch scary movie and secret then we went k-boxing!it was a great time.. us singing our heads off.. wenbin and adrain sang super well.. they can really fight with those pro singer man.. no joke.. =) the next day we went bowling!had two rounds of bowling.. the 1st round i was quite good for someone who rarely bowl.. the second round i was distracted.. sfter the game while waiting for yan, we went to change our bowling scores.. haha.. its was so funny... we changed bx's scores to all strikes and he got the full 300 pts.. and everyone of our scores was changed to 100++.. haha.. it was fun to cheat.. =P.. after that was feast time! we went to eat sushi! the sushi was chaep and nice.. after the sushi, we sat at the resturant and played murderer.. was so fun.. hsha.. i don't know when we will get to meet again guys.. its just so great to know you guys and to go through so much with you all.. the fun, the stress and exams and stuff.. we had fun together and we mugged together.. it was great to know you guys.. although i will be going jc and will not be continuing with you guys anymore but i will try to be there for all the future outings.. rmb me cos i will not forget you guys.. you guys are just great... love ya all <3>

the joy and fun we shared will always be kept in my heart...
Saturday, November 17, 2007

hey~i'm back! yeah! finally back to revive my blog le. it had been months since this poor blog had been left to rot away.. haha. decided to revive this blog as a means to keep all my friends updated with my stuffs since we will all be going different ways after that.. at least with this blog going, i can still update them about my life and let them know that i'm still alive =P haha. anyway one good news to annouce: os finally over le! but seriously although it's a good thing that everything is finally over but it's just weird that now there's no more studying, no more late night mugging, no more homework.. it's just too sudden and i'm not really used to it.the sudden feeling of relaxation after months of tough time.. suddenly i have so much time with me, suddenly i have nothing to fill those time with..

anyway really decided not to go jc le.. no matter what.. lots of people keeping asking me why?"why not?"they said... but why should i? i want to do what i like.. that's why i choose this path.. the path ahead may not be as easy but i'm sure with my passion for mass com. i would be able to make it through.. of course the support of dear friends and family would enable me to do better!=) so guys, if you want me to be happy then don't ask me to go jc, just give me your blessings and support!=) i didn't even went for the jc briefing yesterday.. that's how determined i am that i want to go poly... nothing will change it.. but guess i will be separated from all my friends .. but pls keep in touch with me.. i don't want to forget you guys!

four years of secondary school life ended with the end of os.. four years, two different classes, two different school site, two different principal, many many wonderful teachers.. now all that is left are fond memories of these four years.. there were fun, joy, sadness, anger, tears.. everything makes me grow, makes me change.. i'm sure all the memories i had of the school will be with me for the rest of my life.. i will miss everyone from 2/4, 4/1 esp leeming, zhi ying, lun xi. sharron, yan lin, zhenning, des, hao cheng, yeow kheng, wai khit, jia rong(jie mei cum boatmate). you guys are truly my friends and i will never never forget you guys! i will remember the joy and fun that we have.. even the bad moments cos those are the ones that pulled us even closer together... sec sch life will be so boring without you guys..not forgetting my dear tuition mates too~=) love you guys loads and people take care!=)

we may be all heading towards a different path, a different future.. but always remember that we once shared a common past and walk through a common path.. =)