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SIEWRONG @blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

heyhey~ i here to update again... nw i hav lesser n lesser time to cum n update my blog.. no choice i'm in upper sec nw..haiz.. btw hols has started abt 3 daes le..so far i hav been going to sch juz lyk normal sch daes or even worst.. ahhhhh! y? i tot dere is a chinese saying tt sae xiu xi shi wei le zhou geng zhang de lu.. u call tt rest..? i don't.. 1st week is packed wif sch remedial,lucky 2nd n 3rd week is better..

nwadaes i feel tt i'm nt e real me.. i juz feel so numb.. so " no-feeling". i may laugh.. but i noe dey are nt true laughter tt brings oli happiness.. i noe tt beneath e laughters r saddness, confusion, anger, frustrations. i don't laugh whole-hearteredly animore.. i smile at ppl i noe.. but e smiles i had feel so weird to me.. i wan to cheer ppl up wif my laughters, with my smiles.. but i can't cheer myself up wif dose.. so how can i except ppl to feel better wen dey c my smiles n hear my laughters..? i can b happily laughing n smiling one moment n e next, i juz becum so depress, so sad or even angry.. i don't wan tt n i don't noe y tt happen but i juz can't help it..

mayb it's all e stress, i no u ppl r oso veri stress up abt tings, studies, n other stuffs.. i juz hope i'm nt e oli one feeling lyk tt.. i feel weird.. ahhhhhh!!! so feel lyk going to e beach n listening to e sound of waves crashing, feel e wind, n shout out all my frustrations..

i feel so numb abt everyting..
Thursday, May 11, 2006

yay!!!!!exams r finally over!!!i am juz so happi.. n tml is a public holidae!!!!tings can't b ani nicer.. todae went shopping..it has been so long since i had gone shopping wif my frenz( dun count e shopping trips i make wif my mum =D)
yeah...it was great man..e feeling of freedom..e feel of retail therapy.. it really work for ani gal ..yar btw went to do e hena for my right hand..i lyk it so much n it's juz $5!!! but i hope i won't get caught wen i went bac sch on mon.. =X but i really lyk it a lot!!!i juz feel so relax nw tt finally 5 months into sec 3 n i can declare tt i can start slacking!!!! hope e hols wld b fun packed n nt remedial packed... heex.. lalala~~ i juz feel so happi!!! although i didn't bought much but i juz feel so happi n relax..mayb cos e exams r over too... lalala~

p.s. hey ppl.. if i offended ani one of u during or ard e exam period knowingly or unknowingly.. i sincerely apologised for tt cos i was a bit stress up over e whole ting... but i tink nw tt exams r over.. it shld get better.. =D
take care peeps`