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SIEWRONG @blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!i juz saw ruth's blog.......same blogskin as mine juz e post all dis different... haha...lol...TAUFIK RULEZ........hahaha.....well tt's nt e main ting tt makes mi wan to blog. i tink most of u hav heard abt e big earthquake in indian....a tragedy...well i heard tt a 13 yrs old indian gal was washed away by e big waves tt was cos by e earthquake...wat a sad tink to happen to a young gal lyk tt...sigh....her future is still bright aheah.... suddenly i feel miself so fortunate..... i hav frenz,families,ppl hu care abt mi,n hu i care abt but dose hu hav lost their luv ones dey will hav to face sumting so difficult to accept,sumting tt makes u sad till no words can describe... dunnoe y suddenly tok abt all dese tings but juz wan to let all of u out dere noes how lucky u r to b in s'pore n to hav soo mani tings u wan....haha.....
sch's reopening sooon,feeling quite happi thou,cos i miss all mi frenz after e 2 mths break...haha...mayb u won't miss mi but i miss all of u!!! haha......i will b using mi new bag......gtg....bye,bye.
Monday, December 27, 2004

hihi....well,i hava great time during christmas....i went to mi cousin's hse to stay during christmas n cum home oli yesterdae nite....we were having lots of fun n was plae-ing wif 'bear bear' mi cousin's dog.....he was sooo cute...haha...den we eat log cake n celebrate... yum,yum,nice,nice....well den we plae all dae at 11p.m,we watch e u channel movie -'so close'...haha veri funni e show....den after e movie we plae majong till 4.30 a.m we were eating otah n drinking while plae-ing majong...cos we plae until hungry....lol..den we go slp lor...haha we slp until 12p.m den wake up...hehe.....den we plae again...den at nite mi aunt use e hair striaghtener to striaghten mi hair but it's nt dose permanent one lah...haha den mi hair becum straight but nt as striaght as rebonding ones lah....juz doing it for fun....den we watch e channel 8 charity show....gt taufik!....haha....den gt one part taufik sang jay's an jing...very nice leh...although i oso lyk jay but frankly speaking taufik sang clearer dan jay wen he sing tt song...haha...den oso gt one part taufik oso sang 'i dream'....well den we had soooooooooo much fun during tt weekend......haha....a wonderful christmas lyk e previous years......den todae i was sooooo tired i slp till 11 sumting...haha...pig...
Friday, December 24, 2004

yeah!!!!!!!tml is christmas.....jingle bell,jingle bell jingle all e way.........hahaha....christmas is here n tt means 20004 is going to end haha....n2005 is cuming to town.....hope it wld b a gd year for all of us n we will do well in our streaming nxt year....haha....well tml i won't b home cos i'm celebrating christmas wif mi famil yeah...yeah....yan arh u wed tell mi wat todae gt wat christmas eve small celebration den yesterdae call u,u still blur blur...haiz....wellllll nth more to sae juz one last ting........MERRY CHRISTMAS N A HAPPI NEW YEAR........
Thursday, December 23, 2004

hihi,updating again.....listening to i dream while updating.....wen u read u wld oso b listening haha......todae e new sec one batch cum to css to c wat their class all dis is.heard tt during e talk (las year we oso hav one where ms tay tok a lot of crap n stories)our two v.p. n (tink) our new principle was e ones hu was toking during e tok......well,m chatting wif zy nw den she reminded mi tt sch is starting soon...sad...actually i feeel happy n sad at e same time.happi cos can c mi frenz again n normally holidaes gt more hw den normally sch dae i gt more tings to do nt lyk holidaes everydae so sian....den sad is cos cannt slack animore....haiz.....well nvm....at least sch reopen gt more advantage..haha...i tink i'm e oli one hu tinks sch is betta....it is nt actually nt betta, juz a holidae tt is nt to long n nt as short as e march n sep's holidae...well i tink i will end here liao byebye....tik nxt time....
(p.s: i tink while typing dis entry i hav heard e song i dream mani mani times haha...mayb i type veri slow or wat...haha...)
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

todae,i went to lot 1 wif lun xi to return bks oso to shop for my new sch bag...wen we reach dere,we saw jolin,adina n evvone.hah....so coincedent.....well den we shop for mi sch bag at first i saw a blue colour bag at yellow shop but our uni is oso blue den mi specs,pencil box...all blue lata ppl thgt i blue freak or wat...haha....well finally decided on a strip brown bag..nice...nice....haha...den yar...i change mi blogskin den gt e music ...woW,taufik's i dream...i noe e gumit's intro veri lame nut e song nice rite???gt one part sly sing..aiyoyo....spoil e song...haha...jkjk...lata i walk on e streets kena sly's fan punch...haha....mi already new one----yan lor..btwgt gumit's intro den u noe is directly from SI one wat...haha...evidence..tt time i saw e 'life' section of 18/12/2004's copy of the strait times dey sae wat nxt wed channel five gt taufik's i dream mv,but den juz nw i c dun hav leh....so sad...dun noe is i misunderstood e meaning of nxt wed or dey pian ren one.....nvm mayb e nxt wed means 29/12/2004...i will c gt a nt on tt dae..i hope i wld nt be diapointed again.......ending off wif a spark? of hope.......
Saturday, December 18, 2004

well,holidaes so sianzzz...................nth to do everydae...haiz........sumone juz help mi n save mi from being bored to death can?sumone helpppppppppp..............................juz let mi do sumting n nt rot to death..plz......................well,nw mi hand is recovering liao but tt ugly scar is still dere...luck nt on mi face....phew!christmas is cuming so i wish all of u a merry christmas n happy new year....i noe still early but never mind...haha.....remember to have a gd time wif ur frenz or family during tt dae .....n new year too,remember to go sentosa count down to e year 2005!(provided tt u have e money)if nt watch e live telecast or count down wif ur frenz(or/n) family...hahaa.....tt's all bye...bye.....
Saturday, December 11, 2004

hi ppl,i decided to blog cos i cannt stand e nagging of yan n wei yu....hehe!well no lah....atually i blog cos i gt sum ting to sae .there r gd news n bad news todae...lets hear e gd news first ,todae i went to student health care centre(SHCC) for mi bac bone check-up den tt doc. sae mi no nid go dere check liao,nxt time can go sch check jiu hao le.atually nt a veri gd news lah but at least i nxt time holidae no nid go SHCC liao den can spent tt dae going out or sumting other dan going dere..well nw for e bad news u're waiting for...........i scald mi rite hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yar,nw i m typing oli using mi left hand,hahaha....veri pain u noe a nt....='( let mi tell u briefly wat had happened..i was buying a cup of hot(no..is veri veri hot)water den as i was walking bac to mi table wif it(i was at a hawker centre),i dunno y suddenly i squeeze e styroform cup,den of course e water overflow lah den of course mi hand kena tt hot water lah...so poor ting rite mi...get bullied by tt cup of water...hei....='(sumting to add if u have e chi newspaper(i dunno e eng one gt a nt cos i lazy to go c)e last page gt e wat sae lilin going to act in a movie call leap of luv wif a japan actor.i brought up dis news nt cos i lyk lilin but cos tt leap of luv story i gt read before....-_-''''veri nice...i lyk it a lot...u dun ask yan n lunxi abt tt bk cos dey was scard by mi wen i read tt bk...haiz..it's a long story....nvm maybe i wld go c tt movie wen it is in theatre..dis blog entry veri long oso veri difficult to type cos i oli use one hand den kip typing rong word...finally complete dis entry ...phew..