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SIEWRONG @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, February 27, 2009

its been eons since i last blogged. wonder anyone still checks on this blog anymore, but i shall update it since i have the time for it and does not feel strongly against it. haha!

alright, on mon i have officially ended my yr1 n now i'm in the midst of my long long vacation =) 2mths! yeay~ waiting for my results.. wonder how i fare for this sem. although this sem is so much busier than the previous sem, i would say i enjoyed it a lot still.. thou i only get to slp at 2or 3 am everyday or sometimes not even slping. n wakign up early for morning classes everyday but not once did i drag myself out of bed for tt. amazingly, i enjoyed doing all the stuff that i was doing! ppl kept asking me how's life n they all got the same reply! " busy but happy". i think tt's the best tt i can ask for. enjoying wat i'm doing.. every single bit.. i definitely dont regret choosing the poly route n comign to mass com! n i know i would if i did otherwise n chose jc... (sry for the jc if u c this, but tt's just applicable to me) suprisingly, i enjoy gracom... i tot i will hate it cos my art sucks but i quite like it... n we get to do locivd filming!! so cool! the whole intergrated proj across 3 modules throughout the whole sem was crazy, but the satisfaction after tt was so great! to c your product prototype coming out, all the ads designed so nicely, e website working so well... =))


today had fencing training.. after so so long.. haha. it was nice to finally train up again, feel myself getting fit again after the weeks of slacking w/o training.. it wasnt as bad as i tot. i tot my muscles' gonna give me a hard time but i was lucky... hopefully nth happens tml too =) its kinda quiet n a bit weird to have training w/o the seniors thou.. miss the loudness, fun we use to have.. the more the merrier... guess that will still take some getting use to.. n we are gonna be seniors soon, after the new batch of juniors come! haha wonder how it'll be like..

there's an outing on sat~ long time never meet up with the retards.. n i miss my two dear friends ming n zy loads n loads! hope we get to meet up soon.. take care peeps!

happy with the way things are =)
Monday, November 24, 2008

too many movies to watch.. but too little time n money =/

e one movie tt i die die have to watch!

out in dec 18

the U.S. gets to watch it almost a month before us... not fair!=( i'm quite disappointed with the actor who's acting as Edward.. not as 'prefect n god-liked' as most of us readers had imagined.. hopefully his acting doesn't disappoint... i had high hopes for the movie.. hopefully it would be good.. as good as the book or even better... for those who haven't read the book.. GO READ IT! its nice!!

the main cast

other movies that i want to watch if i have the time and money...
`saw v (thou i'm underage =P)

i shouldn't be thinking of watching movies now.. esp since gracom is due in less than 2 weeks n i haven done much yet x_x

when you can live forever, what do u live for?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

blogging again... instead of the boring updates, i shall share something nice! =)

jay chou's shi guang ji (time machine) mv from his new album

its one of my fav. song in his new album.. i like the mv a lot.. find it very cute.. n it was adapted from the Doremon! i like e Doremon guitar in e mv =B enjoy~ (for peeps who don't like jay chou or can't understand chi... too bad~ muahaha!)

be true to yourself, no matter what
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

as i was doing research for my graphic communication project... i suddenly remembered something tt my location video lecturer/tutor told us.... we are living in a world today tt is filled with so much info.. u are given n presented with so much info every single seconds of the day.. from the internet, tv, books, songs, radio, ads blah blah blah... ur brain gets overloaded with all these info.. useful or not.. willingly or not.. interesting or not.. u have no choice... they force their way into u.. into your everyday life.. u can't just kick them out.. and they just cramped ur brain so tight sometimes your brain feels claustrophobic... u get tired of all these info soon enough.. then one day, u would feel like blocking out everything... ignoring all info that are coming ur way.. as i was reading n doing my research.. all this tt my tutor said just flashed thru my mind n i realise tt if i continue at this pace.. i would get to e stage where i'm sick of being bombarded with new info at a age way too young... suddenly i feel tt its not healthy.. but the world is developing too fast these days.. u can't help it.. there's no way u can stop tt... esp with e development of new media.... suddenly i feel sad thinking tt one day, i would get sick of being 'forced' with so much new info everyday.... i wonder when tt day would come...

sorry if i don't make sense here... i'm just trying to write down how i feel about some random stuff...

when less is more
Sunday, October 05, 2008

i didn't really have anything to blog about.. so i decided to blog about some random stuff before sch reopen in 1 wk's time...

i found this pic online... i tot it was very cute n funny so i'll share it ard!

cute right?

i hope you will smile when u see this pic... cos i wld every time i c it... enjoy n stay cheer always my dear friends... no matter how tough the situation is... a smile can change everything... trust me.. try it =))

everything is not as bad as you think, as long as you look at it in a different perspective, you will be surprised at what you can gain from it =)
Monday, September 29, 2008

i was watching the F1 grand prix race just now... thou i didn't get the chance to watch it live at the circuit, at least i got to watch it live on tv at the comfort of my hse with snacks to eat while watching!haha... the race today was dramatic, surprising, disappointing, funny and great all tog.. haha... it was a nice race thou, n i'm sure coupled with the dramas tt happened, this 1st F1 night race in sg would bound to be a unforgettable one in the F1 history....

there were so many accidents happening at tt race just now. a major car crash not long after the race started led to a whole lot of changing events... i'm not sure if a usual F1 race does have so many car accident/mishap cos this is the 1st F1 race i have ever seen.

the race just now was surprising as Alonso who started at the 15th position tonight ended up winning the race with a wonderful result!initially i still thought he could nver make it for tonight's race due to his startin position tonight... it was all because of his car having stalled during the qualifying race on sat... quite sad... but lucky enuff... he got a chance to catch up thanks to the dramas tt's happening... haha... actually he's very good to be able to go all the way from 15th strting position to the 1st n lasted for almost throughout the last half of the race... admirable man.... his 1st winning race this season.... i was also totally amazed tt he can go to the pit stop for refueling n yet still come out 1st w/o being overtaken... pro man.... i would say he deserve the win tonight... =))

yet the race was a big disappointment cos Massa who was in the pole position tonight ended up no. 13 or something like tt... all because of tt incident at the pit stop... so poor thing.. he was leading so welll until then... i tot he would have win the race tonight easily... n i early bet with my sis for tt... luckily i didn't.... haha.... tt scene was damn funny too... i can't stop laughing when they were having the replays... maybe nxt time can find it on youtube... haha... but it was quite disappointing thou, cos i tot he stand a good chance in winning but in the end something so comical could just happen.... n kimi ended up in an accident during the last few laps too... poor thing... i guess it was a bad day for the ferrari team tonight.... the initial 1st n 3rd starting position ended up so badly for them...

i may be sadistic but it's all those dramas tt happened tonight that made the race interesting n fun to watch... if not, it would be very boring to watch all the cars going by the lap 61 times, passign all the landmarks tt we are all too familiar with... =P

i guess if the F1 didn't came to sg, i wouldn;t even know anything about it at all... this grand prix here got me interested about F1 and taught me many things tt i didn't know about it... last time i tot F1 was just some racing games for the elite peeps n didn't even bother to care about it... now i even knew quite a bit about it.... haha... i guess it was nice to have sg being able to host this event... good for our development n can let the clueless sgreans know more about this sport. its nice to know tt millions of peeps all over the world are watchign the cars go past landmarks tt we or at least the govt are proud of.... =)

the 1st ever F1 night race was great!

anything can happen before the ending comes
Monday, September 15, 2008

friends have been nagging me to blog.. so i shall not be so lazy and try to blog something =)) got back results today.. wasn't all tt bad but wasn't good enough too.. didn't meet my expectation of myself... so i will try harder nxt sem! jia you siew rong! GO! GO! GO! haha... i shall not spent the rest of the blog posting about how sad i'm over my results.. i will try to work HARDER!=))

had fencing chalet last week!it was great fun!i went on the 2nd night cos sun i had e PAL thingy n by the time i finished it was quite late.. so decided to go the nxt day instead.. not a good choice... cos i miss out loads of things tt happen on the 1st night!haha.. it was very funny from i heard.. too bad me n lx missed it =( the chalet was fun! i like it!=) it was nice to be able to cycle from afternoon to night.... i just love cycling... can't get tired from it... love the feeling of the wind blowing against you as you cycle down the slopes at top speeed! the feeling was awesome! cycling is nice =) i shall do it some other day again =)) we took some photos during chalet.. but the photos were not with me.. so can't post it... haha... even if i have i guess i will be lazy to do so bah.. =P hehe.... i'm a lazy bum... =p

hol is left with less than 1 mth... i still have things undone, stuff not bought yet... i shall try to do them all before the hols end...

i'm going for e fmsa camp before the hols is officially over.. so i hope the camp will allow me to end my hols with a loud bang n loads of fun! =))

jc peeps are having their promos now.. miss all my css buddies so so so much.. but i can't really use this long hols to catch up with them cos of their promos.. but its alright! we can find time soon!!! jia you ppl! good luck for ur promos! retards! how's life?miss u guys... cya soon n jia you for promos! ming ar.. jia you in sch n for promos.. we can meet aft your promos.. we have loads of catching up to do!! as for zy, i know this sem is tough for u ... so jia you alright! hang in there n it will be over soon! anything can still come find me kayys? me n ming will be there for you de! jia you tog! =))

tt's all tht i have to say for now. i'm not like ren wei who can have so much stuff to blog twice per day.. haha.. but at least i tried! yeay! =P take care fellow mates~ =)

hang in there even during the toughest time, cos when the going gets tough, the tough gets going, everything will be over soon!